
Intellectual Property in IT and R&DSetting your business apart from competitors.

Intellectual property or IP law, dealing with legal rights to creative works, know-how, business inventions and trade secrets. It controls who gets to use creations including new products, artistic works and designs. 

It allows the people who research, develop, create and invent things, to profit from their work in the fast-moving and high-competitive information-technological world of today.

IP rights are crucial because they can set your business apart from competitors in one of the most innovative sectors of the knowledge economy.

IP rights can be licensed or sold, providing revenue and at the same time offer customers something new and different, unique.

IP within the digital economy is about ideas, valuable information and knowledge.

IP is the joint result and outcome of intellectual creative research and can therefor be considered as a tradable commodity.

Verfaillie Advocaten specializes in rules for securing and enforcing legal rights to inventions, designs, and artwork.

Maintain your competitive advantage by our accurate advice on IP in IT and R&D.

Contact us for an exploratory exchange of ideas on IP in IT and R&D.

Typical applications within IP/IT and R&D:

  • Agreements and negotiations
  • Software licenses and contracts 
  • Website compliance
  • Trademarks, Forging & imitations
  • Comparative overview of IP, IT and TMT legal systems
  • Company and domain names
  • Patents and utility models
  • Design rights, Copyrights
  • Privacy policies, Terms & conditions
  • Collection of data by consent
  • Dispute resolution, mediation, arbitration, litigation
  • Support services

We invite you to read also what Verfaillie Advocaten can mean for your company in terms of Data Protection and Contract Management & Governance.

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All rights reserved
VA is a law firm, with enterprise number BE 0816 761 873 regulated by the Order of Flemish Bars, Dendermonde Bar Association.