VERFAILLIE ADVOCATEN. Authenticity, clarity, flexibility.

Verfaillie Advocaten is Griet Verfaillie, lawyer since 1999. Griet deals with legal matters and litigation in a B2B environment in a large variety of sectors, such as automotive, retail, financial and healthcare. Active both in litigation and advisory, she assists clients in determining the most suitable business arrangement, preventing or resolving disputes. Risk-anticipating.

Griet has over more than fifteen years of experience working for the IP and commercial law practices of international law firms.
In addition she has gained extensive in-house experience in international companies where she supported the business, navigating the fluctuating regulatory landscape of digital finance, data protection and R&D.

Griet is member of the Bar Association of Dendermonde since 2018. Prior to that, she was since 2000 a member of the Brussels Bar Association.

See also Linked In profile of Griet Verfaillie.
IAPP Certified Information
Privacy Professional - Europe


IAPP/ International Association of Privacy Professionals
Vereniging van de studie van het mededingingsrecht - Association de l'étude du droit de la concurrence (VSMR-AEDC).
Member of the Dendermonde Bar.


Co-Presiding the Appeal Comity of the KBHB/ARBH (Hockey Belgium)


CIPP/E (Certified International Privacy Professional for EU) - IAPP, 2016.
Mediator civil and commercial matters – Bmediation, 2018.


Mediator – Bmediation, 2018.
Certified International Privacy Professional - IAPP, 2016.
Catholic University of Leuven JD 1999.
Erasmus - Catholic University of Caen, France (cum laude), 1998.
Fluent in Dutch, French, English
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All rights reserved
VA is a law firm, with enterprise number BE 0816 761 873 regulated by the Order of Flemish Bars, Dendermonde Bar Association.
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